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A disgraced Confederate Colonel who has deserted his command flees to the Everglades where he encounters a disparate group of four other Southern deserters. Togethher they struggle to find their way out of the swamp and resolve their own personal demons under the eyes of hostile Seminoles as they battle to survive the elements and each other. -IMDb
Tonight we have 2 excellent southern movies for you!
We’re raising money to save, commission or rebuild southern monuments across Dixie! Here are three very important missions happening across the Confederation.
Sons of Confederate Veterans – Alamo City Guards Camp #1325 Commissioning quite possibly the first monument to the Tejano Confederate Soldier.
Gordonsville Grays SCV Camp #2301 is commissioning a 21′ Robert E. Lee based on the sculpture that was desecrated by Ralph Northam
Col. Allen R. Witt Camp #615 Sons of Confederate Veterans is building a first of its kind Confederate memorial plaza.

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